Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Based on some of Robin's comments, here's a first stab at a list.
Numbers represent the week.
1. Lacan- “Mirror Stage”, Butler- Gender Trouble
2. Butler- Gender Trouble, Lacan- something else (I can make a suggestion after I unpack my books and can look at the Butler sections on him and then his own stuff) or maybe some Kristeva would be better
3. Hegel- Philosophy of History
4. Hegel- Philosophy of History
5. Hayles- How We Became Posthuman, Virilio- The Information Bomb
6. Hayles- How We Became Posthuman, Virilio- The Information Bomb
7. Spivak- Critique of Postcolonial Reason
8. Spivak- Critique of Postcolonial Reason
9. Dr. Iyengar’s choice or Derrida- selections from The Postcard and Writing and Difference
10. Dr. Iyengar’s choice or Derrida- selections from The Postcard and Writing and Difference


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